Martina Menegon

*1988, Italy

Martina Menegon is an artist working predominantly with Interactive and Extended Reality Art.

In her works the artist creates intimate and complex assemblages of physical and virtual elements that explore the contemporary self and its phygital corporeality. She experiments with the uncanny and the grotesque, the self and the body and the dialogue between physical and virtual realities, to create disorienting experiences that become perceivable despite their virtual nature.

Since 2020, Martina Menegon is Vice Director, Head of Extended Reality and Curator at the CIVA Festival for New Media Art as well as Head of XR & 3D and Curator at the platform for immersive experiences “Area for Virtual Art“ on behalf of sound:frame. She is also Senior Artist and Lecturer at the department of Transmedia Art at the University of Applied Arts in Vienna, where she teaches “Digital Design and Virtuality”. 

Martina Menegon’s work has been exhibited internationally both online and AFK. 


2010 – 2016

M.A. Transmedia Art | University of Applied Arts, Vienna

2007 – 2010

B.A. Visual and Performing Arts | IUAV University, Venice

Current Positions

Senior Artist, Transmedia Art, University of Applied Arts, Vienna

Vice Director and Curator, CIVA Festival, Vienna

Head of Extended Reality and Curator, Area for Virtual Art

Selected Solo Shows


untouched | TSI Harland Snodgrass Gallery/ Alfred University, New York

It feels like home | The Void / University of Victoria, Victoria, Canada


untouched | FILTRO / Metronom, Modena


when you are close to me I shiver | Spark Art Fair, Vienna

It feels like home | HeK Net Works, House of Electronic Arts, online


when you are close to me I shiver | MAK, Vienna and online

All alone, together | Angewandte Schauraum/MQ, Vienna and online (Mozilla Hubs)

I look around for you, but I could only find myself | online (Mozilla Hubs)

what remains of myself | k48, Vienna


All around me are familiar faces | Zigutamve-Photography, Vienna


It Suits Me Well | Gallery GPL Contemporary, Vienna


Virtual Narcissim | Gallery GPL Contemporary, Vienna

Selected Group Shows

2023 – 2024

Becoming-Machine | The Wrong Biennale 2023/24, online and at Artsect DAO Gallery, London


Glowing Globe, Change and Challenges | Galley Kortil-HKD, Rijekta

DATUMS | XOR Space, online

Digital Dada | Kunstverein Wolfsburg, Wolfsburg

Digital Dreams, biennale ARTour | Musée de la Mine et du Développement durable, Bois-du-Luc

More Than Human | Blanc Art Space A1, Beijing

A Beating Heart. Female Pioneers of Digital Art | Expanded.Art, Berlin

Bezos NFT Summit | Spring Studio, New York

CADENZA | MEET Center, Milano and online

Performance Anxiety | Verse Works, online

POSTGENDER. human after all | Vellum LA x NFT Biennal, Los Angeles


ARNEKPHTCKFCR – Meet us on Jumpier | with ALBA, JUPITER, Hamburg

An der Tafel – Visionen der Medienkunst | Medienwerkstatt,Vienna

DIGITAL I – Artefacts | Fotogalerie, Vienna Visions of space | Francisco Carolinum, Linz

Post and experimental Photography on the Bezos Blockchain | Superchief Gallery, Los Angeles

Future Bodies | Upstream Gallery, Amsterdam

DAFA – Digital Art Fair | Hong Kong

IN TOUCH: ART IN THE AGE OF POST NFTism | despise, Berlin

DIGITAL SELF | Jan Lapin Gallery, Toronto and online

Kiaf – Korean International Art Fair | Seoul

ENTER Art Fair | Copenhagen

Unsigned | online

UNPROTECTED | Epoch Gallery, online

Kleiner Gottesgarten | festival ORTSTERMIN, Berlin

LichtZeitLabor | Kunsthalle Faust, Kröpke Uhr, Hannover

Unlimeited Creations, part 2 | Artemis Gallery, DIT., Vienna

Revolution V52 – L’odyssée digitale | Digitale Zone, Marseille + L’unique – Musée Dehors, Caen

(DO NOT) TOUCH | MoCDA – Museum of Digital Contemporary Art

Performing Identities | online,

nowhere in particular experience near death experience | Q21 Raum D, Museumsquartier, Vienna

COPY ME! | Galerie Wundersee, Düsseldorf

MELTING BO(UN)D(AR)IES | Moch Jungle, Bologna

Unlimited Creations | Artemis Gallery, Lisbon


UN/CUBE X VR: Six II Universes

UN/CUBE, online

Rechanneled Corporality | Virginia Bianchi Gallery, online


connections unplugged, bodies rewired | das weisse haus, Vienna and online

experience near death experience | rOOm69 x Wrong Biennale, New Art City (online)

Incarnations | Les Rencontres d’Arles | d’Arles, online

Warped Passages | Virginia Bianchi Gallery x Dumbo Space, Bologna

Tabor Film Festival | Veliki Tabor, Desinic

Subterranean Virtualscapes | Virginia Bianchi Gallery, online

Bubbles and Borders – boundaries of digital freedom | Leeremptybank, online

Synthetic Corpo-reality | MEET Center, Milano

Tautologies | bb15, Linz


A virtual Utopia | Area For Virtual Art, online

Real Body – Virtual Body | Rectovrso Virtual edition 2020


Search for… Feminism | VBKÖ, Vienna

Navigieren im Postdigitalen | AIL – Angewandte Innovation Lab, Vienna


pARTy feVR | tribe space, Vienna

Harddiskmuseum V.10 | EP7, Paris

Church of Ego | U10, Belgrade

Lossless (Bodies) | The Wrong – New Digital Art Biennale, online

Parallel | Vienna

Unsafe+Sounds Interlude | Steinergasse 8, Vienna

Snap your Identity | Kunstverein Wolfsburg, Wolfsburg

Toronto New Wave | Daniels Spectrum, Toronto

passing by | University of Applied Arts – Atrium, Vienna

Sensorium Festival | Pistori palace, Bratislava

Animated_currency_01.gif | Luzie Shride, Vienna

Vr Focus | Diagonale, Graz

Körperwende: From Nam June Paik to Hiroshi Ishiguro | NRW Forum, Düsseldorf

SPAMM Philosophy | Mails Gallery, Naples

Posen Ivy | Franz-Josef-Kai 3, Vienna


This Could Be You | Overkill Festival, Amsterdam

Mixed Reality Uncovered: Ar & VR in the art&cultural sector | CC De Grote Post, Oosende

VR Days Europe | Church of VR | De Kromhouthal, Amsterdam

New Materialities in the Digital Age | Harzendem High Street, London

Process Festival | TYDE Studios, Dortmund

Vienna Design Week | Sozialmedizinisches Zentrum Sophienspital, Vienna

Peephole Cinema | 97 Wilson Ave, Brooklyn

Open Source Festival | Galopprennbahn, Düsseldorf

FILE VR ART | Fiese Culrual Center, Sao Paolo

Twisted Sides | Art House Gallery, Brno

RE:Publica 18 | Station Berlin, Berlin

#LAYERS Contemporary Art in the Digital Era | La Raffinerie, Brussels

VR Day | Goethe Institute, Munich

Digital Sculptures – Follow the unknown, Museum Ulm, Ulm


GENERATE! Festival | Veranstaltungen der Shedhalle, Tübingen

Baa’17 Live Performance | Filmcasino, Vienna

PROCESSING | Gallery GPL Contemporary, Vienna

Empty Vessels | | Vulnerable Bodies | The Wrong – New Digital Art Biennale, online

Whitebox @ Artmuc | Artmuc Fair, Munich

Symbols of Trouble | Thailand Gallery, Siegharts

Uncanny Conditions – Virtual Reality Exhibition | white box, Munich

FILE Festival – Bubbling Universes | Fiese Cultural Center, Sao Paolo

Invasive – Video Art exhibition in private space | medienkunstverein, Berlin

DREUSECHSFUENF #2 | ATeliertehater, Vienna

Foam Fusion | Foam Fotografiemuseum, Amsterdam

WRO Biennale – Draft System | Ballestrem Palace, Wrolaw

Selficity | whitebox, Munich

Matter and Lightness | Kunstraum Niederösterreich, Vienna

Social Distortion | ArtWall, Athens

Everything is a Remix | white box, Munich


Synthetic Resonances | Assembly Point, London

Homeostastis Lab | The Wrong – New Digital Art Biennale, online

To draw a Bow to Bend a Line | Fotogalerie, Vienna

Collections / Permanent Exhibitions


Unsigned: Martina Menegon | Francisco Carolinum, Linz

not again, not anymore | UNPROTECTED,, online

untouched.257842 video, ed 1/3 | private collection, Germany

untouched (v.n.) | Performing identities,, online


It’s matter of Perspective | The bardo: Unpacking the Real, Feral File, online

familiar strangers | Paradoxical objects. Video Sculpture Art from 1960 to today, peer-to-space, online


so much for self control! | SPAMM – SuPer Modern Art Museum, online

all alone, together | A Virtual Utopia, Area for Virtual Art, online


the rapture of the self | harddiskmuseum, online/various locations

Heads off me! | CUBE – Virtual Gallery for Virtual Art, Rohes & Boetsch Gallery, Zurich


Virtual Narcissism | Museum of Virtual Art II, online

I’ll Keep You Warm and Safe | Paper-Thin V2 Gallery, online
