M.A. Transmedia Art | University of Applied Arts, Vienna
B.A. Visual and Performing Arts | IUAV University, Venice
Senior Artist, Transmedia Art, University of Applied Arts, Vienna
Vice Director and Curator, CIVA Festival, Vienna
Head of Extended Reality and Curator, Area for Virtual Art
untouched | TSI Harland Snodgrass Gallery/ Alfred University, New York
It feels like home | The Void / University of Victoria, Victoria, Canada
untouched | FILTRO / Metronom, Modena
when you are close to me I shiver | Spark Art Fair, Vienna
It feels like home | HeK Net Works, House of Electronic Arts, online
when you are close to me I shiver | MAK, Vienna and online
All alone, together | Angewandte Schauraum/MQ, Vienna and online (Mozilla Hubs)
I look around for you, but I could only find myself | online (Mozilla Hubs)
what remains of myself | k48, Vienna
All around me are familiar faces | Zigutamve-Photography, Vienna
It Suits Me Well | Gallery GPL Contemporary, Vienna
Virtual Narcissim | Gallery GPL Contemporary, Vienna
Becoming-Machine | The Wrong Biennale 2023/24, online and at Artsect DAO Gallery, London
Glowing Globe, Change and Challenges | Galley Kortil-HKD, Rijekta
DATUMS | XOR Space, online
Digital Dada | Kunstverein Wolfsburg, Wolfsburg
Digital Dreams, biennale ARTour | Musée de la Mine et du Développement durable, Bois-du-Luc
More Than Human | Blanc Art Space A1, Beijing
A Beating Heart. Female Pioneers of Digital Art | Expanded.Art, Berlin
Bezos NFT Summit | Spring Studio, New York
CADENZA | MEET Center, Milano and online
Performance Anxiety | Verse Works, online
POSTGENDER. human after all | Vellum LA x NFT Biennal, Los Angeles
ARNEKPHTCKFCR – Meet us on Jumpier | with ALBA, JUPITER, Hamburg
An der Tafel – Visionen der Medienkunst | Medienwerkstatt,Vienna
DIGITAL I – Artefacts | Fotogalerie, Vienna
Meta.space. Visions of space | Francisco Carolinum, Linz
Post and experimental Photography on the Bezos Blockchain | Superchief Gallery, Los Angeles
Future Bodies | Upstream Gallery, Amsterdam
DAFA – Digital Art Fair | Hong Kong
IN TOUCH: ART IN THE AGE OF POST NFTism | despise, Berlin
DIGITAL SELF | Jan Lapin Gallery, Toronto and online
Kiaf – Korean International Art Fair | Seoul
ENTER Art Fair | Copenhagen
Unsigned | online
UNPROTECTED | Epoch Gallery, online
Kleiner Gottesgarten | festival ORTSTERMIN, Berlin
LichtZeitLabor | Kunsthalle Faust, Kröpke Uhr, Hannover
Unlimeited Creations, part 2 | Artemis Gallery, DIT., Vienna
Revolution V52 – L’odyssée digitale | Digitale Zone, Marseille + L’unique – Musée Dehors, Caen
(DO NOT) TOUCH | MoCDA – Museum of Digital Contemporary Art
Performing Identities | online, performingidentities.net
nowhere in particular experience near death experience | Q21 Raum D, Museumsquartier, Vienna
COPY ME! | Galerie Wundersee, Düsseldorf
MELTING BO(UN)D(AR)IES | Moch Jungle, Bologna
Unlimited Creations | Artemis Gallery, Lisbon
UN/CUBE X VR: Six II Universes
UN/CUBE, online
Rechanneled Corporality | Virginia Bianchi Gallery, online
connections unplugged, bodies rewired | das weisse haus, Vienna and online
experience near death experience | rOOm69 x Wrong Biennale, New Art City (online)
Incarnations | Les Rencontres d’Arles | d’Arles, online
Warped Passages | Virginia Bianchi Gallery x Dumbo Space, Bologna
Tabor Film Festival | Veliki Tabor, Desinic
Subterranean Virtualscapes | Virginia Bianchi Gallery, online
Bubbles and Borders – boundaries of digital freedom | Leeremptybank, online
Synthetic Corpo-reality | MEET Center, Milano
Tautologies | bb15, Linz
A virtual Utopia | Area For Virtual Art, online
Real Body – Virtual Body | Rectovrso Virtual edition 2020
Search for… Feminism | VBKÖ, Vienna
Navigieren im Postdigitalen | AIL – Angewandte Innovation Lab, Vienna
pARTy feVR | tribe space, Vienna
Harddiskmuseum V.10 | EP7, Paris
Church of Ego | U10, Belgrade
Lossless (Bodies) | The Wrong – New Digital Art Biennale, online
Parallel | Vienna
Unsafe+Sounds Interlude | Steinergasse 8, Vienna
Snap your Identity | Kunstverein Wolfsburg, Wolfsburg
Toronto New Wave | Daniels Spectrum, Toronto
passing by | University of Applied Arts – Atrium, Vienna
Sensorium Festival | Pistori palace, Bratislava
Animated_currency_01.gif | Luzie Shride, Vienna
Vr Focus | Diagonale, Graz
Körperwende: From Nam June Paik to Hiroshi Ishiguro | NRW Forum, Düsseldorf
SPAMM Philosophy | Mails Gallery, Naples
Posen Ivy | Franz-Josef-Kai 3, Vienna
This Could Be You | Overkill Festival, Amsterdam
Mixed Reality Uncovered: Ar & VR in the art&cultural sector | CC De Grote Post, Oosende
VR Days Europe | Church of VR | De Kromhouthal, Amsterdam
New Materialities in the Digital Age | Harzendem High Street, London
Process Festival | TYDE Studios, Dortmund
Vienna Design Week | Sozialmedizinisches Zentrum Sophienspital, Vienna
Peephole Cinema | 97 Wilson Ave, Brooklyn
Open Source Festival | Galopprennbahn, Düsseldorf
FILE VR ART | Fiese Culrual Center, Sao Paolo
Twisted Sides | Art House Gallery, Brno
RE:Publica 18 | Station Berlin, Berlin
#LAYERS Contemporary Art in the Digital Era | La Raffinerie, Brussels
VR Day | Goethe Institute, Munich
Digital Sculptures – Follow the unknown, Museum Ulm, Ulm
GENERATE! Festival | Veranstaltungen der Shedhalle, Tübingen
Baa’17 Live Performance | Filmcasino, Vienna
PROCESSING | Gallery GPL Contemporary, Vienna
Empty Vessels | | Vulnerable Bodies | The Wrong – New Digital Art Biennale, online
Whitebox @ Artmuc | Artmuc Fair, Munich
Symbols of Trouble | Thailand Gallery, Siegharts
Uncanny Conditions – Virtual Reality Exhibition | white box, Munich
FILE Festival – Bubbling Universes | Fiese Cultural Center, Sao Paolo
Invasive – Video Art exhibition in private space | medienkunstverein, Berlin
DREUSECHSFUENF #2 | ATeliertehater, Vienna
Foam Fusion | Foam Fotografiemuseum, Amsterdam
WRO Biennale – Draft System | Ballestrem Palace, Wrolaw
Selficity | whitebox, Munich
Matter and Lightness | Kunstraum Niederösterreich, Vienna
Social Distortion | ArtWall, Athens
Everything is a Remix | white box, Munich
Synthetic Resonances | Assembly Point, London
Homeostastis Lab | The Wrong – New Digital Art Biennale, online
To draw a Bow to Bend a Line | Fotogalerie, Vienna
Unsigned: Martina Menegon | Francisco Carolinum, Linz
not again, not anymore | UNPROTECTED, epoch.gallery, online
untouched.257842 video, ed 1/3 | private collection, Germany
untouched (v.n.) | Performing identities, performingidentities.net, online
It’s matter of Perspective | The bardo: Unpacking the Real, Feral File, online
familiar strangers | Paradoxical objects. Video Sculpture Art from 1960 to today, peer-to-space, online
so much for self control! | SPAMM – SuPer Modern Art Museum, online
all alone, together | A Virtual Utopia, Area for Virtual Art, online
the rapture of the self | harddiskmuseum, online/various locations
Heads off me! | CUBE – Virtual Gallery for Virtual Art, Rohes & Boetsch Gallery, Zurich
Virtual Narcissism | Museum of Virtual Art II, online
I’ll Keep You Warm and Safe | Paper-Thin V2 Gallery, online